Correct as of July 2022
All membership applications are at the discretion of ‘enjoyleisure’ management. ‘enjoyleisure’ retains the right to refuse an application, terminate a membership or usage without any refund if they consider a user’s actions to be unacceptable to other users or an ‘enjoyleisure’ colleague.
Please review the terms and conditions relevant to your chosen membership type:
1.1 Membership allows access during stated opening hours, but does not guarantee access to facilities within these times. enjoyleisure retains the right to restrict access to the facilities for special events or planned maintenance. enjoyleisure retains the right to amend this scheme at any time.
1.2 enjoyleisure fitness members can enjoy access to East Lothian’s Bodyworks Gyms*, Meadowmill Performance Gym*, Swimming Pools, Fitness Classes* and Health Suites* available at the Sports Centres detailed below. (*Age restrictions apply – see Teen Memberships).
2.1 An initial pro-rata (cash/card) payment will be taken on application. Thereafter payments will then be collected from your nominated bank account on (or as near after) the 1st of the month on a rolling basis until one month’s written cancellation notice is received.
2.2 Applications for memberships must be made in the name of the participant. Parental permission is required for all teen memberships under 16 years.
2.3. If the bank account holder is someone other than the name applicant (e.g. parent / guardian). The account holder must provide their contact details as requested overleaf.
2.2 When a member changes price band the membership fee will automatically adjust on the 1st of the month following the member’s birthday.
2.3 Age restrictions apply for Teen Memberships, please see section 5.
2.4 Should a member default on a monthly payment, members will be notified and a cash/card payment will be required for the outstanding balance within 14 days to reinstate the membership. Failure to pay the outstanding balance will result in memberships being cancelled.
ID Verification
2.5 In order to safeguard both members and enjoyleisure from fraud and identity theft, ID verification checks may be required after applying for a direct debit membership.
2.6 You may be asked to present one form of Photographic ID, one form of Proof of Address and Proof of the Bank Account that the direct debit will be taken from at any Sports Centre reception after taking out a membership. When asked, failure to do so amy result in your membership being cancelled.
2.7 Approved forms of ID:
2.8 enjoyleisure offer members the opportunity to suspend their membership during periods of extended illness, or when the member is going to be out of the country for more than 4 weeks at a time.
2.9 Membership suspensions must be requested in writing in advance for ‘holiday periods’ as soon as possible following diagnosis for medical conditions. Suspensions will not be given retrospectively.
2.10 All memberships suspensions are at the discretion of enjoyleisure management.
2.11 Following the agreed suspension period, direct debit payments will resume on a monthly basis as outlined in point 2.1.
2.12 Cancellation requests can be sent via email to or by post addressed to
enjoyleisure Head Office, Musselburgh Sports Centre,
Newbigging, Musselburgh, EH21 7AS. We recommend you retain a copy of your cancellation request.
2.13 Recovery procedures may be instigated to obtain the 30 day notice period as per the membership agreement.
2.14 Following a membership cancellation, any future membership applications by the same customer may be subject to review and restrictions may be applied.
3.1 Customers opting to purchase a 6 month commitment membership will receive approx. 5% discount on the monthly direct debit membership price.
3.2 Customers opting to purchase a 12 month commitment membership will receive 12 months for the price of 11.
3.3 Fitness Commitment Memberships must be paid up front in full by cash or credit / debit card.
3.4 Fitness Commitment Memberships are non-transferable and non-refundable.
4.1 For all types of teen membership, week’s pass, monthly or commitment membership, the membership must be held in the name of the applicant.
4.2 Parental permission is required for all teens under the age of 16 years. However payment may be made / direct debit set up under the name of another person (e.g. parent / guardian) please see point 2.3.
4.3 Teens 12-13 years can enjoy access to unlimited swimming, free gym induction, access to dedicated
teen fitness classes and gym sessions. An adult (16+ years) is required to accompany teens 12-13 years during public gym sessions and designated “Teen Friendly” (TF) fitness classes.
4.4 Teens 14-15 years can enjoy access to unlimited swimming, free gym induction, access to dedicated
teen fitness classes and gym sessions and designated “Teen Friendly” (TF) fitness classes. An adult (16+ years) is required to accompany teens 14-15 years during public gym sessions.
4.5 Please note all teens aged 12-15 years require to be accompanied at gym & fitness classes at the Mercat Gait Centre, Prestonpans.
5.1 Activity bookings can be booked up to 7 days in advance in person at the Sports Centre, over the phone or via
5.2 Class / Session Cancellations: if you are unable to attend a booked class / activity session, please contact the Sports Centre by phone or cancel your class booking online providing as much notice as possible. NB: The opportunity to cancel a session ceases 60mins before the start time online and 30mins over the phone.
5.3 Booked sessions not cancelled prior to the start time, will be subject to a £2 charge for members. If you fail to provide appropriate cancellation notice three times in a row, access to the online booking system will be denied, and all debts must be cleared before another booking can be made.
5.4 Please arrive no more than 10 minutes before the start of a session. To respect others, there will be no admission after a class has started.
6.1 Your photograph will be taken at the time of application which will be held on our system. This will be used to identify you and prevent any fraudulent use of your account.
6.2 You will be provided with an enjoyleisure key fob on application. Please bring this with you during every visit and present it at reception on arrival. This enables us to provide a speedier, more efficient service to all customers.
Terms and conditions
The below terms and conditions apply to enjoyleisure’s Get in the Swim Membership Scheme and all aquatic activities associated with this programme.
1.1 The membership will be held in the participant’s name. The membership and its benefits are non- transferable and non-refundable.
1.2 Get in the Swim members can enjoy access to:
1.4 Membership allows access during stated opening hours, but does not guarantee access to facilities within these times. enjoyleisure retains the right to restrict access for the facilities for special events and planned maintenance.
2.1 In order to comply with banking regulations and to safeguard both the applicant and enjoyleisure from fraud and identity theft, the bank account holder may be requested to provide the following ID to
authorise the direct debit payments:
2.2 If requested, failure to provide the relevant ID, may result in the membership application being denied and the participant will be removed from the lesson programme.
2.3 Accepted forms of ID:
3.1 Membership fees are set by enjoyleisure and are reviewed annually. A minimum of 14 days notice will be given to any adjustment of the direct debit payment.
3.2 Fees are set against the provision of 45 lessons per year. We aim to deliver 48 lessons per year but this is not guaranteed.
3.3 Membership fees will be taken by direct debit from a nominated bank account on (or as near after) the 1st of the month until 28 days written cancellation notice is received.
3.4 Should a member default on a monthly payment, members will be notified, and a cash/card payment will be required for the outstanding balance within 14 days to reinstate the membership.
3.5 Failure to do so will result in the membership being cancelled and the participant will be removed for the swimming lesson programme with immediate effect.
3.6 Recovery procedures will be instigated to obtain the 28 days notice period as per the membership agreement.
4.1 Access to Leisure card holders receive a 50% discount on the monthly direct debit membership fee. This discount is subject to the member having a valid Access to Leisure subscription.
4.2 Should the Access to Leisure subscription expire / terminate, the monthly membership fee will automatically increase to the standard rate from the next direct debit payment.
4.3 It is the member and their parent/guardian’s responsibility to ensure that an Access to Leisure subscription is renewed at least 14 days prior to the next direct debit payment date.
5.1 Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing providing 28 days notice to either a Sports Centre Reception, by post to enjoyleisure Head Office, Musselburgh Sports Centre, Newbigging, Musselburgh, EH21 7AS or via email to
5.2 On receipt of a cancellation request, participants will be removed from the lesson programme at the end of the notice period. At this point the free swims benefit will also cease.
6.1 Membership fees are non-refundable where the participant has either missed lessons due to illness, holidays or decided to withdraw from the programme altogether.
6.2 Consideration will be given where an extended leave of absence is required due to medical concerns. Any requests of this nature should be made in writing to
6.3 In unforeseen circumstances enjoyleisure reserve the right to cancel lesson(s) at short notice. Every effort will be made to contact participants as soon as possible. enjoyleisure will endeavour to rearrange cancelled lessons, however this may not always be possible.
7.1 Member photographs will be taken at the time of application which will be held on our system. This will be used to identify them and prevent any fraudulent use of their account.
7.2 Members will be provided with a Get in the Swim membership card. Members must register at reception for every visit, presenting their membership card to receive a free swim.
8.1 Get in the Swim Members can enjoy free swims during public swimming sessions at each of East Lothian’s swimming pools.
8.2 Swimming Pool opening hours will be displayed at reception and notification will be given of any planned alterations to these times where possible.
8.3 During public swim sessions, children under the age of 8 years must be accompanied by an adult (over 16) in the swimming pool at all times. A max ratio of 1 adult : 2 children applies.
The below terms and conditions apply to enjoyleisure’s enjoyGymnastics / enjoytrampolining Membership Scheme and all associated activities with this programme. enjoyleisure retains the right to refuse an application, terminate a membership or usage without refund if they consider a user’s actions to be unacceptable to others or enjoyleisure staff.
1.2 enjoyGymnastics/ enjoyTrampolining members will be entitled to one class per week up to a minimum of 38 classes per year in line with the enjoyleisure class schedule.
1.3 Membership allows access during stated opening hours, but does not guarantee access to facilities within these times. enjoyleisure retains the right to restrict access for the facilities for special events and planned maintenance.
2.1 enjoyleisure takes your privacy seriously. We will use your personal information to manage your customer account and provide the services you have requested from us. We will additionally use your data for reporting and profiling purposes.
2.2 During the application process we will utilise IT software to verify address details, mobile number, email address and bank account details. This is to ensure that the information inputted into our system is correct at the point of entry.
2.3 All data collected will be held securely and retained by us, Enjoy East Lothian Ltd (enjoyleisure), as the data controller in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
2.4 We will store your information with our contracted partners and software providers in order to assist us in delivering our services to you. This includes East Lothian Council and Forth Electrical Services who manage the Mercat Gait Centre in Prestonpans.
2.5 Your data will not be sold to any other organisations. We will not share your information with any third parties, unless we are legally obliged to do so.
2.6 We strongly advise you to review our full privacy policy, which is available to view via
3.1 The bank account holder may be asked to provide photo ID and proof of address to protect against fraudulent use.
3.2 Membership fees are set by enjoyleisure and are reviewed annually. A minimum of 14 days notice will be given to any adjustment of the direct debit payment.
3.3 Fees are set against the provision of 38 lessons per year for each activity. We aim to deliver 40 lessons per year for each activity but this is not guaranteed.
3.4 Membership fees will be taken by direct debit from a nominated bank account on (or as near after) the 1st of the month until 28 days written cancellation notice is received.
3.5 The membership fee will be taken for 10 months from September to June. During July and August, while classes are on summer break an administration fee of £1 will be taken.
3.6 Should a member default on a monthly payment, members will be notified, and a cash/card payment will be required for the outstanding balance within 14 days to reinstate the membership.
3.7 Failure to do so will result in the membership being cancelled and the participant will be removed for the
enjoygymnastics/ enjoyTrampoling lesson programme with immediate effect.
3.8 Recovery procedures will be instigated to obtain the 28 days notice period as per the membership agreement.
4.1 Customers with an Access to Leisure subscription receive a 50% discount on the monthly direct debit membership fee. This discount is subject to the member having a valid Access to Leisure subscription.
5.1 Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing providing one month’s notice to either a Sports Centre Reception, by post to enjoyleisure Head Office, Musselburgh Sports Centre, Newbigging, Musselburgh, EH21 7AS or via email to
5.2 On receipt of a cancellation request, participants will be removed from the lesson programme at the end of the notice period.
6.2 Consideration will be given where an extended leave of absence is required due to medical concerns. Any requests of this nature should be made in writing to
7.1 Member photographs will be taken at the time of application which will be held on our system. This will be used to identify the member and prevent any fraudulent use of their account.
8.1 Sports Centre facilities are available for use by members of the public on a pay and use basis as well as those with memberships. All users must follow the guidelines for safe and comfortable use of the facilities.
8.2 Suitable clothing must be worn when using the facilities.
8.3 Valuables and personal property should be secured in the lockers provided. Belongings are left at user’s own risk.
8.4 Parents / guardians of children under 8 years must stay in the Sports Centre while their child is participating in a coached activity.
8.5 enjoyleisure reserves the right to amend the enjoyGymnastics/ enjoyTrampolining Membership terms and conditions at any time without prior notification. An up-to-date copy of the full terms & conditions is available to view on
9.1 Through the Sports Centres precautionary and preventative safety measures have been put in place to comply with physical distancing and enhance cleaning and hygiene measures to keep all customers and colleagues safe following the Coronavirus pandemic. Customers must adhere to these measures, which may be subject to change in accordance with Government advice and updates.
1.1 The membership will be held in the account payer’s name. The mem-bership and its benefits are non-transferable and non-refundable. 1.2 Enjoy Leisure’s Soft Play Members are entitled to maximum two hour soft play session per day. 1.3 Membership allows access during stated opening hours, but does not guarantee access to facilities within these times. Enjoy Leisure retains the right to restrict access for the facilities for special events and planned maintenance.
2.1 Enjoy Leisure takes your privacy seriously. We will use your personal information to manage your customer account and provide the services you have requested from us. We will additionally use your data for re-porting and profiling purposes. 2.2 During the application process we will utilise IT software to verify ad-dress details, mobile number, email address and bank account details. This is to ensure that the information inputted into our system is correct at the point of entry. 2.3 All data collected will be held securely and retained by us, Enjoy East Lothian Ltd (Enjoy Leisure), as the data controller in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018. 2.4 We will store your information with our contracted partners and soft-ware providers in order to assist us in delivering our services to you. This includes East Lothian Council and Forth Electrical Services who manage the Mercat Gait Centre in Prestonpans. 2.5 Your data will not be sold to any other organisations. We will not share your information with any third parties, unless we are legally obliged to do so. 2.6 We strongly advise you to review our full privacy policy, which is avail-able to view via
3.1 The bank account holder may be asked to provide photo ID and proof of address to protect against fraudulent use. 3.2 Membership fees are set by Enjoy Leisure and are reviewed annually. A minimum of 14 days notice will be given to any adjustment of the direct debit payment. 3.3 Membership fees will be taken by direct debit from a nominated bank account on (or as near after) the 1st of the month until 28 days written cancellation notice is received. 3.4 Should a member default on a monthly payment, members will be notified, and a cash/card payment will be required for the outstanding balance within 14 days to reinstate the membership. 3.5 Failure to do so will result in the membership being cancelled with immediate effect. 3.6 Recovery procedures will be instigated to obtain the 28 days notice period as per the membership agreement.
4.1 Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing providing one month’s notice to either a Sports Centre Reception, by post to Enjoy Lei-sure Head Office, Musselburgh Sports Centre, Newbigging, Musselburgh, EH21 7AS or via email to 4.2 Recovery procedures may be instigated to obtain the 30 day notice period as per the membership agreement.
5.1 Member photographs will be taken at the time of application which will be held on our system. This will be used to identify the member and prevent any fraudulent use of their account.
6.1 Enjoy Leisure’s Soft Play Members are entitled to 10% discount on all types of birthday parties at Aubigny Sports Centre, Dunbar Leisure Pool, Loch Centre, North Berwick Sports Centre, Meadowmill Sports Centre and Musselburgh Sports Centre.
7.1 Sports Centre facilities are available for use by members of the public on a pay and use basis as well as those with memberships. All users must follow the guidelines for safe and comfortable use of the facilities. 7.2 Suitable clothing must be worn when using the facilities. 7.3 Valuables and personal property should be secured in the lockers pro-vided. Belongings are left at user’s own risk. 7.4 Enjoy Leisure sets the prices. Prices are reviewed annually and in-creases may be applied. A minimum of 14 days notice will be given prior to any price adjustment. 7.5 Enjoy Leisure reserves the right to amend the soft play membership terms and conditions at any time without prior notification. An up-to-date copy of the full terms & conditions is available to view on
All membership applications are at the discretion of Enjoy Leisure management. Enjoy Leisure retains the right to refuse an application, terminate a membership or usage without refund if they consider a user’s actions to be unacceptable to other users or Enjoy Leisure staff.
1.1 Membership allows access during stated opening hours, but does not guarantee access to facilities within these times. Enjoy Leisure retains the right to restrict access to the facilities for special events or planned maintenance. Enjoy Leisure retains the right to amend this scheme at any time.
1.2 Enjoy Leisure Junior Swim Only Members can enjoy access to public swimming sessions at Aubigny Sports Centre, Dunbar Leisure Pool, North Berwick Sports Centre, Musselburgh Sports Centre and Mercat Gait.
2.2 Applications for memberships must be made in the name of the participant. Parental permission is required for all memberships under 16 years.
2.4 Age restrictions apply for Junior Swim Only Memberships, please see section 3.
2.5 Should a member default on a monthly payment, members will be notified and a cash/card payment will be required for the outstanding balance within 14 days to reinstate the membership. Failure to pay the outstanding balance will result in memberships being cancelled.
2.6 Cancellation requests can be sent via email to or by post addressed to Enjoy Leisure Head Office, Musselburgh Sports Centre, Newbigging, Musselburgh, EH21 7AS. We recommend you retain a copy of your cancellation request.
2.7 Recovery procedures may be instigated to obtain the 30 day notice period as per the membership agreement.
2.8 Following a membership cancellation, any future membership applications by the same customer may be subject to review and restrictions may be applied.
2.9 Enjoy Leisure offers members the opportunity to suspend their membership during periods of extended illness, or when the member is going to be out of the country for more than 4 weeks at a time.
2.10 Membership suspensions must be requested in writing and be received 14 days prior to your next direct debit payment due date (first of the month). Suspensions will not be given retrospectively.
2.11 All memberships suspensions are at the discretion of Enjoy Leisure management.
2.12 Following the agreed suspension period, direct debit payments will resume on a monthly basis as outlined in point 2.1
3.1 For Junior Swim Only Memberships, the membership must be held in the name of the applicant.
3.2 Parental permission is required for all children under the age of 16 years. However payment may be made / direct debit set up under the name of another person (e.g. parent / guardian) please see point 2.3.
3.3 Children (ages 8-16) can enjoy access to unlimited swimming (two-hour maximum time limit on each individual swim session).
4.1 Member will have their photograph taken at the time of application which will be held on our system. This will be used to identify them and prevent any fraudulent use of their account.
4.2 The member will be provided with an Enjoy Leisure key fob on application. They should bring this with them during every visit and present it at reception on arrival. This enables us to provide a speedier, more efficient service to all customers.
5.1 Enjoy Leisure sets the prices. Prices are reviewed annually and increases may be applied. A minimum of 14 days notice will be given prior to any price adjustment.
5.2 All exercise activities are undertaken at the user’s own risk. Users who have been treated or are currently being treated for a medical condition, are advised to contact their GP prior to undertaking any physical activity.
5.3 The opening hours are displayed at reception and notification will be given of any planned alterations to these times when possible.
5.4 The facilities are available for use by members of the public on a pay and play basis as well as those with memberships.
5.5 Supervision of all areas, at all times, is not guaranteed.
5.6 For safe keeping all valuables and personal property should be secured in the lockers provided. Belongings are left at users own risk.
5.7 For personal safety, users should not use the facilities if under the influence of alcohol or taking contra-indicated or illegal drugs.
5.8 Suitable clothing must be worn when using the facilities.
5.9 All users must follow the guidelines for safe and comfortable use of the facilities, which are displayed in the Centre.
6.1 Enjoy Leisure takes your privacy seriously. We will use your personal information to manage your customer account and provide the services you have requested from us. We will additionally use your data for reporting and profiling purposes.
6.2 During the application process we will utilise IT software to verify address details, mobile number, email address and bank account details. This is to ensure that the information inputted into our system is correct at the point of entry.
6.3 All data collected will be held securely and retained by us, Enjoy East Lothian Ltd (Enjoy Leisure), as the data controller in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
6.4 We will store your information with our contracted partners and software providers in order to assist us in delivering our services to you. This includes East Lothian Council and Forth Electrical Services who manage the Mercat Gait Centre in Prestonpans.
6.5 Your data will not be sold to any other organisations. We will not share your information with any third parties, unless we are legally obliged to do so.
6.6 We strongly advise you to review our full privacy policy, which is available to view via
7.1 Throughout the Sports Centres safeguarding measures have been put in place, including enhanced cleaning and hygiene measures to protect customers and colleagues. We ask the customers comply with guidance notices posted within the Centre, which may subject to change in accordance with Government advice and updates.
The Access to Leisure scheme is aimed at offering accessible admission to Leisure Facilities across East Lothian. The Access to Leisure scheme is an initiative that is administered by Enjoy Leisure on behalf of East Lothian Council. All Access to Leisure applications are at the discretion of Enjoy Leisure management. Enjoy Leisure retains the right to refuse an application, terminate an Access to Leisure subscription or withdraw access to facilities without refund if they consider a user’s actions to be unacceptable to other users or Enjoy Leisure colleagues.
1.1 Customers looking to apply for the Access to Leisure scheme must be residents of East Lothian and be able to provide evidence supporting their application under one of the categories detailed on the application.
1.2 If a joint application is being made (i.e. two adults residing in the same household), the documentary evidence must be provided in the name of both applicants. If applying under separate categories, please complete a separate application form for each applicant.
1.3 All dependants should be listed at the time of application. Dependants must be aged 0-16 years, or up to 18 years if still at school.
2.1 Access to Leisure customers receive discounted rates to East Lothian’s public leisure facilities.
2.2 During Off-Peak Hours, Mon-Fri 9am – 4:45pm (last booking at 4.30pm) Access to Leisure customers can receive single admission entry to designated activities for the premium discounted rate. This rate is reviewed annually and may be subject to increase.
2.3 During all other times (Peak Hours) Access to Leisure Adult Customers (aged 18-59) gain entry at the ‘Concession’ Rate. Concessions (0-17 and 60+ years) receive a 20% discount on the standard concession admission prices.
2.4 Discounts apply to pay-and-play activities such as swimming, gym use, racket sports, fitness classes, golf and some coached activity programmes.
2.5 A discount of 50% is awarded to Access to Leisure Customers applying to the Get in the Swim, swimming lesson membership scheme and our gymnastics programme. Further terms and conditions apply.
3.1 Your photograph will be taken at the time of application which will be held on our IT system. This will be used to identify you and prevent any fraudulent use of your account.
4.1 When more than one person is engaging in the same activity, e.g. squash / badminton / tennis, a minimum of 50% of the attendees must have an Access to Leisure valid subscription in order to receive the discount.
4.2 When used in conjunction with the booking of a coached activity programme the Access to Leisure subscription must be valid for the duration of the coached session / block of lessons for the discount to be applied. If an Access to Leisure subscription expires during the course of a block a renewal application must be made prior to the booking of the activity. No retrospective discounts are given.
5.1 Fitness Classes can be booked up to 7 days in advance in person at the Sports Centre, over the phone or online at Payment is required at the time of booking.
5.2 Fitness Class Cancellations: if you are unable to attend a class, please contact the Sports Centre by phone as soon as possible prior to the start of the class and either a transfer or refund will be offered to you.
5.3 Should you fail to cancel prior to the start of the class, no refund or transfer will be offered. A non-attendance charge may be applied.
5.4 Please arrive 10 minutes before the start of a class. To respect others, there will be no admission after a class has started.
6.1 All Access to Leisure applications and subsequent subscriptions are applied to the named applicant only and cannot be transferred to another individual.
7.1 enjoyleisure takes your privacy seriously. We will use your personal information to manage your customer account and provide the services you have requested from us. We will additionally use your data for reporting and profiling purposes.
7.2 During the application process we may utilise IT software to verify address details, mobile number and email address. This is to ensure that the information inputted into our system is correct at the point of entry.
7.3 All data collected will be held securely and retained by us, Enjoy East Lothian Ltd (Enjoy Leisure), as the data controller in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations 2018.
7.4 We will store your information with our contracted partners and software providers in order to assist us in delivering our services to you. This includes East Lothian Council and Forth Electrical Services who manage the Mercat Gait Centre in Prestonpans.
7.5 Your data will not be sold to any other organisations. We will not share your information with any third parties, unless we are legally obliged to do so.
7.6 We strongly advise you to review our full privacy policy, which is available to view via
8.1 Enjoy Leisure sets the admission prices. Prices are reviewed annually and increases may be applied.
7.2 An induction course must be completed before access will be granted to the Bodyworks Gyms and Free Weights facilities.
7.3 All exercise activities are undertaken at the user’s own risk. Users who have been treated or are currently being treated for a medical condition, are advised to contact their GP prior to undertaking any physical activity.
7.4 The opening hours are displayed at reception and notification will be given of any planned alterations to these times when possible.
7.5 The facilities are available for use by members of the public on a pay and play basis as well as those with memberships / subscriptions.
7.6 Supervision of all areas, at all times, is not guaranteed.
7.7 All valuables and personal property should be secured in the lockers provided. Belongings are left at users own risk.
7.8 For personal safety, users should not use the facilities if under the influence of alcohol or taking contra-indicated or illegal drugs.
7.9 Suitable clothing must be worn when using the facilities.
7.10 All users must follow the guidelines for safe and comfortable use of the facilities, which are displayed in the Centre.
7.11 Enjoy Leisure retains the right to restrict access to the facilities for special events or planned maintenance.
7.12 Enjoy Leisure retains the right to amend this scheme at any time.
All rights, including copyright and database rights are owned by enjoy.
The information including photographs, text and any other material contained within the pages of this website, unless otherwise stated, are copyright protected. All rights are reserved.
enjoy seeks to ensure that the information it publishes on its web site is up to date and accurate. However, the information on the web site does not constitute legal or professional advice and the enjoy cannot accept any liability for any loss arising in any way whatsoever out of the use of its site.
enjoy cannot be held responsible for the data policies, procedures or contents of any pages referenced by an external link from its site.
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