Alongside the Executive Management Team, Enjoy Leisure has a Board of (volunteer) Directors, and is regulated by Scottish Charity Regulator OSCR. With over 300 employees, we are also one of the largest employers in the county too!
Our Board of Directors are responsible for guiding strategy, bringing support, contributing knowledge to the management team and ensuring due governance.
The Board can consist of up to 12 directors, of which a maximum of 4 can be appointed by East Lothian Council (Councillors). The other 8 can be appointed from; and should be representative of East Lothian; and/or independent representatives with skills to assist the company in carrying out its objectives.
All positions are voluntary, and are appointed for a 5-year period.
Current Board Members
Senior Management Team: The Senior Management Team are based within the Enjoy Leisure Head Office: Enjoy Leisure Head Office, Musselburgh Sports Centre, Newbigging, Musselburgh, EH21 7AS
T: 0131 653 5200 E:
Service Managers: The Service Managers are based within the Sports Centres in their respective areas.
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